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Over twenty years of doing NAV and now BC, I have a few ideas - Whether they are any good, is up to You

I Am Presenting a Webinar

At the end of March I finally convinced myself, that I DO have some things to share for the Developers in our little world. I submitted a session for BcTechDays. as of today, I do not know if our session have been accepted or not, but no matter not, I will be in Antwerp.

Performance vs User-Experience

As a Magic Lover and member of the World-Famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, California, I have taken some classes in the art of conjuring. In Magic we often rely on the fact, that Perception is Reality. That is - If People perceive a fact, then it must be so!

The same is true when it comes to users using NAV or Business Central! Over the years, I have often heard people complaining about slow systems, and while in many cases, there are low hanging fruits that can resolve the issues, there are also often times a different approach to the whole thing: Change the User Experience!

Clean Code

In the last few years, I have spoken with developers that are new to BC. A lot of them have done lots of dotnet. Most of them all look at me confused when I talk to them about Development Standards - Especially when it comes to Variable Naming etc. I likewise look baffled when they don’t understand the importance of this.